The Dance of Life

Dance. The Dance of Life. Do you live life? Do you show up each and every day? Do you live full on? As I just came up on the 1 year mark of my moms death and just a few days before learning about the death of my good friend passing and my web guy Daniel Latrimurti just a few days before. I have learned to live life. How do I live life? I celebrate and move with intention. I show up for myself each and every day. As I was at the studio I grabbed my journal and just started writing; letting the words and thoughts from my mind flow out from the pen to paper. I wanted to share this with you. I would also love your comments!

The Dance of Life

The ebb and flow of movement through life experiences intertwining with one another.

In life we start out with the beat of our own heart; this is the rhythm of life. This rhythm is a part of us with each and every beat.

In our dance we hear the sound of the drum that gives us that definite beat we can feel as we move our bodies coming together with the beat of our heart.

Through life we twirl, sway, step with our feet, move our hips in the wondrous circling pattern; no beginning and no ending.

Celebrating life with music and dance; laughing, weeping and crying. Life and dance carries us through every emotion.

We dance to share, connect and love; not only with ourselves but others. The dance is ours; no one else can take it away from us as we move through the shadows, valleys and hopes and dreams of our life.

Through disappointment, heartache and grief we dance connecting to that unknown.