Tag Archives: Free Class

How are you connecting with yourself and others?

Hello to each and everyone of you! I am so glad you are here and we can connect in this way is so awesome! I really am so truly grateful for you being part of my community and tribe! There are so many ways that we can connect with each other as we have an abundant flow of technology and social media platforms! Speaking of social media platforms…I am sitting at my desk writing this blog and the one social media platform that I have truly depended on Facebook is down! I have always thought what if Facebook is gone tomorrow how am I going to connect to my students and you? The thing is we do not own the social media platforms! They are not ours. Do you depend on using things like messenger to talk to your friends or family instead of picking up the phone?

We spend so much time attached to our phone including me, that we lose connection with ourselves and others! In what ways can we connect to ourselves?

How about taking that dance class you have been telling yourself your going to sign up but never do?

Or you feel stressed out and need some healing but you never make the time to get that energy work done and schedule it you just keep putting it on the back burner.

When we lose the connection with ourselves and others we often find ourselves, stressed, anxious and depressed and feel stuck!

I can help you with this! I have a amazing class coming up for you! Join me for my Tribal Grooves Fitness class that starts October 7th at 11:00 am! You can join me via zoom!

What is Tribal Grooves?

Tribal Grooves is a dance fitness program kind of like Zumba but uses earthy flowy bellydance movement mixed with a bit of modern! It will give you confidence, help to relieve stress through movement and bring a bit of fun and play into your life! Tribal Grooves is open to all and requires no experience! Fun music that is positive and upbeat to move your body to! There is no need to worry about getting it right! Come play and move your body with me connecting to your soul through movement!

If you have never been to a class and want to know more; Join me Thursday in person or Zoom and try it one time for FREE! To register for free you must contact me at allieglobalcaravan@gmail.com no later then Wednesday night 7 pm eastern! Grab your hip scarf and see you there!