Tag Archives: Articles

Today we Celebrate

Celebrating All Women today!

Today we celebrate all moms! As we are women we are moms in many forms! We are moms to our kids, pets and even close friends. As a teacher I am a dance mom. I love my students as if they are my own and I care, love and nurture them and pray for their safety.

I also have had many mother figures in my life; not just my mom who brought me into this world! I have a few Aunts that I considered a mom figure and I have a dance mama too! These additional moms give you the same support! They are loving and nurturing and are your cheerleader when you need one but they also give you a kick in the butt as well! I am so fortunate that I have had so many amazing moms in my life and I thank you and love you and I celebrate you not just today but everyday!

Celebrating Mothers day is a once a year celebration but, it got me thinking….why does it have to be only once a year? Why can we not celebrate moms in someway every day? Why can’t we pamper ourselves daily and not just once a year? Are we not that important or worth it?

Today I celebrate you as women and mothers! I celebrate you just not today but every day! Take the time to stop every day and do one thing to love yourself and pamper you! If you know me I am big on self care! It was a hard step as I feel I often need to be super woman! Have you ever felt like that? Do you think you need to do everything? We often care for so many others that we put ourselves on the back burner and then we end up being stressed and tired.

Mothers day we often buy flowers, chocolate, cards and many other things but what if just once a week you went out and did this for yourself? How would that make you feel? Would you feel guilty for buying you something or would it make you feel good and lift your spirits?

Here is a poem I wrote:

What is a mother?

She is strong, loving, nurturing, open, giving and caring. She is a force to be reckoned with. She protects and gives whole heartedly expecting nothing in return. She is often the foundation and the rock. She can be gentle, quick and strong all at one time. She makes everything she does look easy. She loves with every breath and bone of her body. She is the one who cries at night when you are hurting and she is the one that always picks you up when you have fallen. She is there with you at the finish line cheering you on. She believes in you. She is filled with such grace, dignity, love and strength. There is nothing like a the love a mother it is a love that is special and pure!

Dance Practice Outside of Class

Happy New Year and we are back in the roaring 20’s! Imagine that! So you have just started belly dancing and you are loving it and you go to as many classes as you possible can, which is great! I am asking you today how is your dance practice outside of class? Do you practice at all? If no, why not? Is it due to motivation, lack of space or not sure about the movements or what to even work on? These are all very common! I will start by addressing these to help you out! If you do not have a dance routine outside of class; you need to! Why? Belly Dance is an art that requires muscle memory! The only way we can get that muscle memory is by drilling the same movement over and over again! Yes, there is no magic wand or key here! Even myself after dancing 20 years I still practice and drill the basics!

No motivation? Get inspired! This is easy! What inspires you to dance? Music, a new hip scarf, putting flowers in your hair? If it is music search for new music and make a playlist for you to dance too! If it is a new hip scarf buy one and keep it just for at home practices to make it special! Put flowers in your hair even for your dance practice at home! These are just little easy things that will motivate you!

Lack of space? Everyone has space in their house! This space can be a corner of a room or even a room to yourself! What space are you most comfortable in? When I first started I used my kitchen a lot! I would stand in front of the microwave because I could see my movements! I did not dance past the microwave so the space I used was relativity small! Don’t think your space has to be huge! Eventually, I moved my dance space and acquired a small corner of our dining room! I even put up some of those square sticky mirrors and took pieces of fabric and draped it around the mirrors and it was perfect and still not very big! Maybe you have a guest room that you can use? Use your imagination! Do not think you need a huge space! Decorate that space with something that makes you feel good! Just even flowers and lighting a candle will help!

Not sure about movement or what to work on? This is so very common and your not alone in this! Starting out; write down all the movements you do know and your comfortable with! These are called your safe moves! Everyone has them. Once you get them written down divide them by fast moves & slow moves. Divide them out once more; upper body & lower body! This gives you 5 days of practice!

Day 1: Safety moves Put music on and drill all the moves out! Do not worry about technique here. Focus on staying with the music and the beat! This helps with transitioning from one move to the next and eventually you will become fluid and seamless!

Day 2: Fast moves; put on a fun & upbeat song and dance! Keep yourself grounded! To much bounce? Bend your knees! It is all about control here!

Day 3: Slow moves; this is were we can get gooey and juicy! Put on a slow piece of music that you absolutely love! The slower the better! Dance all those slow moves focusing again on staying with the beat! Do not move fast! Relax and enjoy the music! Let the music flow in your body and out through the movement! If you need to grab a glass of wine to help you relax!

Day 4: Upper Body: Here is where we work on proper execution and technique! Focus on your posture and executing the movement properly and all the way through! Do not cut the movement or take shortcuts! If the movements have hand and arm positions work on that first without the movement, then the movement and then both together.

Day 5: lower body: here is where we work on proper execution and technique! Focus on your posture and executing the movement properly and all the way through! Do not cut the movement or take shortcuts! If the movements have hand and arm positions and steps or turns work on that first without the movement, then the movement and then both together.

There is your 5 day plan! See how easy it is! I would love to know what your doing and I would love to see pictures of your dance space, practice or both! The most important thing is to have fun and explore!

Remember we all have bad days! Do not beat yourself up but celebrate your journey! Last year, my dance practiced suffered tremendously for the first time in years! Its okay as there is always tomorrow!