Najla’s Blog

Today, I am writing, letting you all know what has been going on in my world lately.  This blog is going to be more informative and collective and not just based on one thing.  I hope you enjoy it and still find it informative!

In June, Alyssa graduated from high school, after a very emotional and tough year, with her father passing away.  It was truly amazing to find her strength and determination and succeeding at such a hard time for most teenage girls!  I am so proud of her!!  Right away she spent a week in Orlando Florida, with one of her best friends and came home for only a day and a half and then was back off on a mission trip to Montana for 2 weeks!!  She actually gets back today and tells me she has so many pictures and stories to tell me so I am looking forward to her being back home.  It has been nice even though, I have missed her, it has given Jeremy some time together.

In the dance world, I have had a lot of things going on and it has been very exciting for myself.  It started with the Shimmy Mob in May and met some wonderful dancers from Columbus and established new friendships!  A few of the girls from Columbus, came down to Chillicothe and we did some impromptu dancing at the Feast of the Flowering Moon and had a wonderful time!!    June has been the most exciting for myself though.  It started by dancing at Athena Nile’s Birthday Party, you can watch my performance on my video page.  The audience was absolutely wonderful and it was a blast!!  Pictures will be coming soon!

Athena and I along with another dancer from Columbus, Erica have come together to collaborate and our working on a choreography piece for a show in August!!  I am really excited about this and I am so happy to be part of this group!!  I have been traveling to Columbus, each week to rehearse with both girls and all I can say is it is going to be fantastic!!!

Classes for the summer have been consolidated so currently there will be classes on Wednesday at Carver Community Center from 7-8 pm in Chillicothe and Saturdays from 10-11 am in Greenfield at the First Presbyterian Church.  I am hoping to pick up the Tuesday class again sometime in August where I will start a brand new beginner class!!

I hope everyone is enjoying their Summer!!  Have a wonderful Fourth of July and stay safe!!



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