Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Time for Celebration!

A time for celebration as we finish up another year! This year we have seen many challenges and a different way of doing things. This year has been a year of change and one we will never forget!

As, I sit here on my bed typing away capturing my final thoughts of the year and having my coffee and looking back at all the things that I have accomplished it is time to celebrate! It is important to celebrate and remind ourselves of all the good no matter how small or large and to focus on that instead of all the things that may not have worked out so well.

Today I celebrate all the challenges I faced as those challenges pushed me out of my comfort zone and put me on a new path and a new adventure! I celebrate my growth and all of the things I have learned from this past year. Last night, I took some time to write down at least 5 big things I accomplished this year and it felt really good to actually see it on paper and it really put things in perspective! How often do we focus on the good? How often do you celebrate? Do you celebrate you?

Here is my list:

  • moving to a new space with a healing room
  • completed my Master Teacher Training Level 3 for Global Caravan
  • created & taught online classes via zoom
  • developed a 4 week course
  • went through a physic bootcamp course
  • certified in Bellydance Body Fitness, Bootcamp and more
  • Taught my first Tribal Grooves Certification
  • Built my own healing website
  • I stopped working 7 days a week
  • read 12 books
  • created more time and self care for me

Sit down tonight and see if you can come up with at least 5 big things you accomplished. As you can see my list is filled with a lot of different things and these were all big things to me. As we say goodbye to 2020 and hello to 2021 what do you want to bring in to the new year? It is such a perfect time to dream and set those intentions and make it happen!

Coming up in the new year I will be bringing you more certifications so you can really step into your glorious self, more classes and courses online and in person!

We are getting ready to dance it out and it is not too late to join! I have a fun and empowering class called Tribal Grooves (TM). This class is designed to move and just feel good in your body! No experience is necessary! This class uses Global Caravan Bellydance but without the technique! Come dance with me! Lets shake it out! Do something just for you! This is 4 weeks of fun via zoom! Plus, be a part of our facebook group and have access to recordings while we are in session! Go here to register:

Thank you to everyone who supported me this year! Blessings as we go into 2021!

The Power of Costuming

The power of costuming is a amazing experience! The Tribal components are rich in detail, textures, colors and layering! Being able to come up with different combinations and looks is a very powerful thing.

This past weekend, I had a photo shoot and I had forgotten how much fun it is! I had most of the day to dive deep into my chunky jewelry as I lay it all out on the bed. Carefully, choosing each piece that has come from all over my travels and holds special meaning! There is just something about it that excites me and reminds me of the power I have inside. It makes me feel good deep in my core as I pick each piece! It is a ritual on its own. It is a self care for me as well feeling good inside allowing my true Goddess to come alive and shine!

Skirts, Choli’s, Pantaloons OH MY! This is where color and layering comes in! Big fluffy 25 yard skirts, using different colors is endless! As I carefully choose each piece, I have a idea in mind of my final look. Sometimes I choose the brighter colors and other times dark and earthy! It is so fun and I love creating getting a different look each time. I stare at all the pieces I have chosen placed on my bed and I am in awe of all the beauty!

The power of transformation! Getting ready is such a powerful thing and I slowly take my time creating my look. This is the time I can spend thinking about nothing else but the final outcome. It is very healing and calming for me as I see the transformation unfold! Coming out of my cocoon and transforming into something powerful and beautiful! First is the makeup! My face is a plain canvas and I am the artist painting carefully! Once complete the hair is next as I adorn with beautiful handmade flowers made by me or my tribal sisters and each one has a special memory. I love this part adding metal trinkets as I see the Tribal Goddess start to emerge! The look is almost complete! On to the costuming! I carefully take each piece in my hands and slowly get dressed! Here is where the power of transformation starts taking place and will soon be complete! All the layering, color and rich textiles. As I finish I turn looking into the mirror of the creation I created! The creation of me! Standing in my glory and my power! It is truly such a beautiful thing that everyone must experience! As women, it is important that we feel good and stand in our own power!

How do you stand in your own power? Each day you can do this as you get ready for the day!

Photo by Night Raven Photography, Chillicothe Ohio

Shining your light

Shinning your light! Do you show your light? Your uniqueness? Your gifts? Do you hide your light? We had such a good conversation about fear of what others think of you and that at times we hold back on what we want because of that. Have you done something you are really excited about and want to shout it out to the world, but hold back because of the fear of what others may think about it or you? We all have been there and I am not excluded from this! How does this make you feel? Pretty crappy right? I stepped out of my comfort zone and fear and put out some of the things that I am truly excited about and passionate about and put it out there! Did you know I am a Kundalini Reiki Master? I read cards and I went through a AF Physic Bootcamp! I am shining my light and coming into my own and I am truly loving it and breaking the chains of fear that holds me back! What holds you back? I would love to know!!! Shine your light and let it burst through! What I realized is that it is so unfair of me to hold back my talents and gifts to others as there are so many people who need what I do! If I can help just one person to step up in my power because that is truly what it is about! Opinions of others are just that! Its your life so do what sets your soul on fire!

Join me every Friday at 10:00 am via Facebook Such fun and good conversations! Grab your coffee or tea and come chat with me! This week we will talk about who or what inspires you! Click here to check out the last chat here:

Today we Celebrate

Celebrating All Women today!

Today we celebrate all moms! As we are women we are moms in many forms! We are moms to our kids, pets and even close friends. As a teacher I am a dance mom. I love my students as if they are my own and I care, love and nurture them and pray for their safety.

I also have had many mother figures in my life; not just my mom who brought me into this world! I have a few Aunts that I considered a mom figure and I have a dance mama too! These additional moms give you the same support! They are loving and nurturing and are your cheerleader when you need one but they also give you a kick in the butt as well! I am so fortunate that I have had so many amazing moms in my life and I thank you and love you and I celebrate you not just today but everyday!

Celebrating Mothers day is a once a year celebration but, it got me thinking….why does it have to be only once a year? Why can we not celebrate moms in someway every day? Why can’t we pamper ourselves daily and not just once a year? Are we not that important or worth it?

Today I celebrate you as women and mothers! I celebrate you just not today but every day! Take the time to stop every day and do one thing to love yourself and pamper you! If you know me I am big on self care! It was a hard step as I feel I often need to be super woman! Have you ever felt like that? Do you think you need to do everything? We often care for so many others that we put ourselves on the back burner and then we end up being stressed and tired.

Mothers day we often buy flowers, chocolate, cards and many other things but what if just once a week you went out and did this for yourself? How would that make you feel? Would you feel guilty for buying you something or would it make you feel good and lift your spirits?

Here is a poem I wrote:

What is a mother?

She is strong, loving, nurturing, open, giving and caring. She is a force to be reckoned with. She protects and gives whole heartedly expecting nothing in return. She is often the foundation and the rock. She can be gentle, quick and strong all at one time. She makes everything she does look easy. She loves with every breath and bone of her body. She is the one who cries at night when you are hurting and she is the one that always picks you up when you have fallen. She is there with you at the finish line cheering you on. She believes in you. She is filled with such grace, dignity, love and strength. There is nothing like a the love a mother it is a love that is special and pure!

Creating Boundaries

Welcome to my Blog! It has been awhile since I have written anything and it truly has been heavy on my heart! I will blog at least once a month, sometimes more depending on content and what is truly on my mind!

My word for the year: Boundaries! This is the first year I have actually chosen a word for myself. Do you have a word? The word boundaries has so much depth and so many levels! Let”s take a look at the definition of boundaries:

Boundaries is a line that is imaginary. It is a separation. It separates your physical space, needs, your feelings as well as the responsibility you have toward others. Having boundaries are how other people treat you: meaning what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. Boundaries are needed because without these imaginary lines people will take advantage of you.

Boundaries & You

Here are what boundaries will do for you:

  • Being your true self! You have the right to have your own feelings and making your own decisions without trying to please others.
  • Self Care at it’s finest! This has been a tough one for me and is a struggle but I am getting better! Respecting your own needs and knowing ( ok this is what is tough) you are not responsible for the people in your life how they behave or feel! Listen to this! They are responsible! When you have boundaries you allow yourself to stop worrying about how others feel and makes them responsible! This is huge! Do you feel you have to many irons in the fire? Do you take on too much? Saying no is tough! Say no to those things that do not align up with what you want! This is going to be a constant with me! How about you? Do you say yes, just please others?
  • Being Real! having real expectations! We need to know what is expected. This takes communication! Telling people what you expect
  • Feeling safe! Creating boundaries makes us feel safe and secure. It keeps us from things that maybe uncomfortable or hurtful.
  • .

What is holding you back?

  • Fear! The fear of doing something different or new! Here are questions to ask: What are you afraid of? The thing your afraid of is it likely to happen? What will happen if you do not set boundaries? What will happen if you do? Fear is something that we all have! Trust me I know! Sometimes it takes me awhile to get over the fear, but asking these questions helps me see if I am in a situation I need to get out of or just stuck in a rut.
  • low self love. Feeling unloved or unworthy. I have been there we all have at some point. Not knowing your worth you will always put others before you. It is not selfish to put your needs before others! This is how we earn and get respect! Take care of your needs first and foremost! As women, this is tough because we care for so many people that our needs get lost. Make you a priority! Do something you have always wanted to do! Take that dance class, take that walk, have a girls night!
  • pleasing others Yes, this has been me! Trying to please everyone and hating conflict. This is why I need boundaries! You can not please everyone!

Boundaries are about what feels right and what does not feel right! The other day Paulette Rees-Denis sent this to me and I wanted to share her to end:

“Boundaries are physical, but most importantly energetic. They are a commitment to honoring yourself. Do not allow within your energetic space what doesn’t feel right, loving or aligned.” Sophie Gregore

Boundaries are: self love, protection, are divine birthright, honor, worthiness, strength, compassion, empowerment, balance, accountability,abundance. Wow love these words! Don’t you?

I would love to hear from you! You can comment and lets talk!