The Golden Era; Tahiya Karioka

Tahiya Karioka – is one of the dancers of the Golden Age of Egypt and was born between 1915 and 1923 in Ismaileya, Egypt. As a teenager she fled to Cairo, due to contrasts with her family, where she started her career as a dancer and was introduced to Badeia Masabny. Taheyya Karioka then started dancing in Badia’s troupe and she gradually became famous and starred in not less then 150 movies.

She was also known as: Tahiya Mohamed (born as: Badaweya Mohamed Kareem Al Nirani), Tahiya was an Egyptian Belly dancer and a film actress. Born in the Egyptian town of Ismaileya in 1920 to Mohamed Kareem, Tahiya was discouraged from performing as a dancer by her family. Due to family differences that could not be settled with her father and brothers, she moved to Cairo to stay with an old neighbour, Suad Mahasen, a night club owner and an artist. Tahiya had asked several times for employment in Suad’s nightclub but Suad refused to employ her due to the disreputability of working at a night club. However, many of Suad’s associates and friends became acquainted with Tahiya through various visits to Suad’s home. They all advised Suad to add her to one of the shows as a chorus girl but still she refused. Soon, Tahiya was mentioned to Badia Masabni, the owner of Casino Opera, one of the most prominent nightclubs of the time. Badia offered a position in her troupe to Tahiya. Tahiya accepted and was given the stage name Tahiya Mohamed. She soon began gaining popularity as a solo dancer and as she became more experienced she learned a popular Samba dance from Brasil at the time called the Karioka. After that she became known as Tahiya Karioca. Tahiya began starring in movies during what is dubbed as the Egyptian film industries “Golden Age”. She was a talented dancer, singer, and actor.

Tahiya was married 14 times; among her husbands were actor Rushdy Abaza and playwright Fayez Halawa. Tahiya was unable to conceive any children of her own and hence aopted a daughter (Atiyat Allah). Tahiya also was very involved with her sibling’s children. Tahiya later moved to London.

Tayiha died on May 03, 1999 of a
heart attack.


Enjoy the video of her below!  She was a wonderful dancer and one of my many inspirations!


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2 thoughts on “The Golden Era; Tahiya Karioka”

  1. Awesome video, beautiful arm movents , this lady was really in touch with herself and the music…I noticed she wore heels.. thanks for sharing, very impressive..

  2. She is one of the many dancers that everyone who is involved with belly dance needs to know about. Such a beautiful dancer indeed. Most Egyptian dancers did and still do wear heels. I am glad you enjoyed it and thank you for commenting!

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