The power of costuming is a amazing experience! The Tribal components are rich in detail, textures, colors and layering! Being able to come up with different combinations and looks is a very powerful thing.
This past weekend, I had a photo shoot and I had forgotten how much fun it is! I had most of the day to dive deep into my chunky jewelry as I lay it all out on the bed. Carefully, choosing each piece that has come from all over my travels and holds special meaning! There is just something about it that excites me and reminds me of the power I have inside. It makes me feel good deep in my core as I pick each piece! It is a ritual on its own. It is a self care for me as well feeling good inside allowing my true Goddess to come alive and shine!
Skirts, Choli’s, Pantaloons OH MY! This is where color and layering comes in! Big fluffy 25 yard skirts, using different colors is endless! As I carefully choose each piece, I have a idea in mind of my final look. Sometimes I choose the brighter colors and other times dark and earthy! It is so fun and I love creating getting a different look each time. I stare at all the pieces I have chosen placed on my bed and I am in awe of all the beauty!
The power of transformation! Getting ready is such a powerful thing and I slowly take my time creating my look. This is the time I can spend thinking about nothing else but the final outcome. It is very healing and calming for me as I see the transformation unfold! Coming out of my cocoon and transforming into something powerful and beautiful! First is the makeup! My face is a plain canvas and I am the artist painting carefully! Once complete the hair is next as I adorn with beautiful handmade flowers made by me or my tribal sisters and each one has a special memory. I love this part adding metal trinkets as I see the Tribal Goddess start to emerge! The look is almost complete! On to the costuming! I carefully take each piece in my hands and slowly get dressed! Here is where the power of transformation starts taking place and will soon be complete! All the layering, color and rich textiles. As I finish I turn looking into the mirror of the creation I created! The creation of me! Standing in my glory and my power! It is truly such a beautiful thing that everyone must experience! As women, it is important that we feel good and stand in our own power!
How do you stand in your own power? Each day you can do this as you get ready for the day!
Photo by Night Raven Photography, Chillicothe Ohio
Shinning your light! Do you show your light? Your uniqueness? Your gifts? Do you hide your light? We had such a good conversation about fear of what others think of you and that at times we hold back on what we want because of that. Have you done something you are really excited about and want to shout it out to the world, but hold back because of the fear of what others may think about it or you? We all have been there and I am not excluded from this! How does this make you feel? Pretty crappy right? I stepped out of my comfort zone and fear and put out some of the things that I am truly excited about and passionate about and put it out there! Did you know I am a Kundalini Reiki Master? I read cards and I went through a AF Physic Bootcamp! I am shining my light and coming into my own and I am truly loving it and breaking the chains of fear that holds me back! What holds you back? I would love to know!!! Shine your light and let it burst through! What I realized is that it is so unfair of me to hold back my talents and gifts to others as there are so many people who need what I do! If I can help just one person to step up in my power because that is truly what it is about! Opinions of others are just that! Its your life so do what sets your soul on fire!
Today we celebrate all moms! As we are women we are moms in many forms! We are moms to our kids, pets and even close friends. As a teacher I am a dance mom. I love my students as if they are my own and I care, love and nurture them and pray for their safety.
I also have had many mother figures in my life; not just my mom who brought me into this world! I have a few Aunts that I considered a mom figure and I have a dance mama too! These additional moms give you the same support! They are loving and nurturing and are your cheerleader when you need one but they also give you a kick in the butt as well! I am so fortunate that I have had so many amazing moms in my life and I thank you and love you and I celebrate you not just today but everyday!
Celebrating Mothers day is a once a year celebration but, it got me thinking….why does it have to be only once a year? Why can we not celebrate moms in someway every day? Why can’t we pamper ourselves daily and not just once a year? Are we not that important or worth it?
Today I celebrate you as women and mothers! I celebrate you just not today but every day! Take the time to stop every day and do one thing to love yourself and pamper you! If you know me I am big on self care! It was a hard step as I feel I often need to be super woman! Have you ever felt like that? Do you think you need to do everything? We often care for so many others that we put ourselves on the back burner and then we end up being stressed and tired.
Mothers day we often buy flowers, chocolate, cards and many other things but what if just once a week you went out and did this for yourself? How would that make you feel? Would you feel guilty for buying you something or would it make you feel good and lift your spirits?
Here is a poem I wrote:
What is a mother?
She is strong, loving, nurturing, open, giving and caring. She is a force to be reckoned with. She protects and gives whole heartedly expecting nothing in return. She is often the foundation and the rock. She can be gentle, quick and strong all at one time. She makes everything she does look easy. She loves with every breath and bone of her body. She is the one who cries at night when you are hurting and she is the one that always picks you up when you have fallen. She is there with you at the finish line cheering you on. She believes in you. She is filled with such grace, dignity, love and strength. There is nothing like a the love a mother it is a love that is special and pure!
Happy New Year and we are back in the roaring 20’s! Imagine that! So you have just started belly dancing and you are loving it and you go to as many classes as you possible can, which is great! I am asking you today how is your dance practice outside of class? Do you practice at all? If no, why not? Is it due to motivation, lack of space or not sure about the movements or what to even work on? These are all very common! I will start by addressing these to help you out! If you do not have a dance routine outside of class; you need to! Why? Belly Dance is an art that requires muscle memory! The only way we can get that muscle memory is by drilling the same movement over and over again! Yes, there is no magic wand or key here! Even myself after dancing 20 years I still practice and drill the basics!
No motivation? Get inspired! This is easy! What inspires you to dance? Music, a new hip scarf, putting flowers in your hair? If it is music search for new music and make a playlist for you to dance too! If it is a new hip scarf buy one and keep it just for at home practices to make it special! Put flowers in your hair even for your dance practice at home! These are just little easy things that will motivate you!
Lack of space? Everyone has space in their house! This space can be a corner of a room or even a room to yourself! What space are you most comfortable in? When I first started I used my kitchen a lot! I would stand in front of the microwave because I could see my movements! I did not dance past the microwave so the space I used was relativity small! Don’t think your space has to be huge! Eventually, I moved my dance space and acquired a small corner of our dining room! I even put up some of those square sticky mirrors and took pieces of fabric and draped it around the mirrors and it was perfect and still not very big! Maybe you have a guest room that you can use? Use your imagination! Do not think you need a huge space! Decorate that space with something that makes you feel good! Just even flowers and lighting a candle will help!
Not sure about movement or what to work on? This is so very common and your not alone in this! Starting out; write down all the movements you do know and your comfortable with! These are called your safe moves! Everyone has them. Once you get them written down divide them by fast moves & slow moves. Divide them out once more; upper body & lower body! This gives you 5 days of practice!
Day 1: Safety moves Put music on and drill all the moves out! Do not worry about technique here. Focus on staying with the music and the beat! This helps with transitioning from one move to the next and eventually you will become fluid and seamless!
Day 2: Fast moves; put on a fun & upbeat song and dance! Keep yourself grounded! To much bounce? Bend your knees! It is all about control here!
Day 3: Slow moves; this is were we can get gooey and juicy! Put on a slow piece of music that you absolutely love! The slower the better! Dance all those slow moves focusing again on staying with the beat! Do not move fast! Relax and enjoy the music! Let the music flow in your body and out through the movement! If you need to grab a glass of wine to help you relax!
Day 4: Upper Body: Here is where we work on proper execution and technique! Focus on your posture and executing the movement properly and all the way through! Do not cut the movement or take shortcuts! If the movements have hand and arm positions work on that first without the movement, then the movement and then both together.
Day 5: lower body: here is where we work on proper execution and technique! Focus on your posture and executing the movement properly and all the way through! Do not cut the movement or take shortcuts! If the movements have hand and arm positions and steps or turns work on that first without the movement, then the movement and then both together.
There is your 5 day plan! See how easy it is! I would love to know what your doing and I would love to see pictures of your dance space, practice or both! The most important thing is to have fun and explore!
Remember we all have bad days! Do not beat yourself up but celebrate your journey! Last year, my dance practiced suffered tremendously for the first time in years! Its okay as there is always tomorrow!
Dance breathes love and beauty to your soul as we move and speak in a non verbal way
At a young age I always wanted to dance. I wanted to be a ballerina and my mom finally put me in a class but pulled me out after the first one. To this day, I do not know why. I just remember being devastated and heartbroken.
Growing up with Syrian Culture on my dads side, I learned the Dabke at a very young age and would listen to my grandmothers Arabic records. Through the years, I danced in my bedroom doors closed with blaring music. In high school I tried out for various dance troupes, but was always told I just did not have it or that I was too shy and would not make it. I was crushed. I dreamed of dancing that is all I wanted to do.
In my early 20’s I became part of a dance and singing troupe! I was finally dancing, singing and performing and truly loving it! The troupe dissolved and again I was alone with no dance in my life. I got married, had kids, but danced in the kitchen and living room, sometimes embarrassing my kids totally being a true mom! I became a cheer leading coach and I would choreograph little dance routines and loving it! These girls always made me proud and teaching them was amazing! I had ages anywhere from 3 on up to 12. I was not only teaching them how to dance but also taught them that they could be anything they wanted. I saw these little girls gain confidence and faces lighting up! I was doing something I love and giving back!
The other coach, who was also a friend told me she had been taking belly dance classes and asked if I wanted to go to class? Yes! I went to my first class and I remember thinking what if I am not good enough? What if I can not do this? I immediately fell in love! It was mostly Cab with a little bit of ATS. I was performing, making costumes, choreographed our first duet and my very first solo I was loving it and loving life! Years passed and I was the only student left and eventually my teacher stopped teaching. Crushed, I knew I needed to continue so I practiced at home, danced old choreography’s and searched the internet for anything I could get my hands on.
My world came crashing down on me the D word after 23 years of marriage. I was crushed and broken and not fully understanding how and what happened. I turned to my dance and it truly was the only thing that held me together!Every single breath, move and emotion came out as I danced and it soothed my soul! I started dancing for my friends and I would teach them a few movements. They would tell me how good I was and that I should think about teaching. I thought they were just being supportive like friends should be, but I asked myself, why not? I worked on my technique and skills for 2 years 2006-2008. I came across Leyla Najma and became her online student and she took me under her wing. I was like a little sponge and soaked everything in that I could! I listened to every word of hers and did everything she told me to do! I was growing, learning and expanding and it felt good! In April of 2008, I opened up my own studio where my 2nd husband and I where living and I had 8 students! I honestly do not know how this happened because there was very little advertising but I was teaching and happy! Recitals and dancing in parades! I was teaching Egyptian Cabaret and having the time of my life! I was happy again!
In 2010. I met Paulette Rees-Denis at a workshop in Columbus, Ohio and fell in love with Tribal! This was the complete opposite of the glitzy style! The movements felt natural, organic and good in my body. There was also something about Paulette an energy and light that flowed to me and I wanted more! I went to a few more workshops of hers and I will never forget the time she asked me to be her Ohio girl! I nearly fell and felt like I was dreaming and in the back of my mind I was thinking; can I fill these enormous shoes and am I good enough? At the same time, I was very honored and I did not want to disappoint and let her down. Despite my fears, I jumped in with both feet and said yes! In the back of my mind I thought Oh goodness! What have you done?! This was the start of my journey in Gypsy Caravan Tribal Bellydance.
My personal life came to another halt. My husband had a mental illness and he was having an episode and shaved my head with a wahl trimmer and razor and beat me. I was crushed, hurt and wonder how can someone who loves me do this to me? This lead to a dissolution and I left. I packed all my things and moved my daughter and cat to mom and dads. I was hurt and broken inside and I felt my soul was gone and my world shatter in little tiny pieces of sharp glass. I again immersed myself in the dance. This dance saved my life! Without the dance, I would not have been able to heal. Dance has and was the only constant thing in my life. It brought me out of the darkness.
In 2012 I started on my intensive training with Paulette because I wanted to teach this dance form and share my newfound love and passion for it. At this time, I was in a dance studio and my classes where going very well. I was also now taking ballroom which was something I always wanted to do. I was dancing, loving life! I met someone new and everything was amazing! I was living a dream and life was good! I was dancing and traveling to places I had never been and dreamed of! Getting certifications under my belt from Collective soul to teacher training, Tribal Grooves, Tribal Grooves Master and more! See I believe investing in yourself but it was also an investment in who I was and my self worth. I became part of Gyspsy Caravan International and I remember that day just like it was yesterday! At the time I was in Portland training with Paulette along with 2 others. This was totally something I never saw in my path and it felt like a dream! I attended my first Tribal Summitt that year too and it was an amazing and mind blown experience! I was in awe of my path and this dance! During this time my dream have having my own dance studio was burning in my soul.
Out of the blue, the studio I was teaching at closed in September 2016. I was determined to find a place for my classes. I reached out to this lady who owned a gym. It was not a perfect or ideal but it was a space and I made the best of it. I had to have a studio! I was teaching and working a retail job and my hope was to quit my job and teach full time. So I Continued to work with Paulette through coaching setting out to pursue my dreams!
Again, my life came to a crashing halt again! My mom unexpectedly passed away from a heeart attack of February 2017. How was I going to live without her. Broken but holding strong for my dad. Dance again was the only thing that pulled me through this huge loss. My last gift to my mom was to do her hair and makeup for the funeral at first it was an uneasy feeling as I walked in and saw her. My heart was in pieces and I stood there crying; tears streaming down my face. I grabbed my phone and turned on Can’t stop this feeling! I played it over and over! This was a Tribal Grooves Choreography and in the darkness it gave me light and happiness and hope! Strangely it made me feel secure. Sometimes my mom and I did not see eye to eye with my dancing but she always supported me.
In July 2018, the retail store I worked at closed its doors. Funny, how the universe does things for you when your too fearful to do it alone to take that step.
I started looking for the perfect space. Everything was either too old or too expensive. During this time a lady called me and as we were talking she actually wanted to open up a studio too. So we worked together to find a place, but I was still searching on my own and to this day I am still keeping my eyes open. During this time my personal life came crashing to a halt again. Alcoholism and verbal abuse from my boyfriend. I kept thinking things would get better but only got worse. I kept pushing through and focused on my dancing and finding a studio. Thinking things would get better and everything would work out.
In August of 2018 we found a perfect spot for the studio and by Oct 2018 it was fully functioning and open! My dream came true!
At this same time my dad broke his shoulder and my boyfriends drinking and abuse continued my life on that side was spiraling out of control and I felt like I was drowning and could not find my way to the surface. I reached out to Paulette. I felt she was the only person I could talk to since my mom passed away. What I never expected from this dance is the bond of friendships! I had been living with my boyfriend and decide to leave to take care of my dad. I needed to do this for myself but dad too. Things with my boyfriend and I did not get any better. I was fighting with depression, anxiety and felt hopeless inside. The only thing I had was this dance and all my Gypsy Caravan Sisters and the studio. The studio was my safe space. It was the only place I could go and forget about all the things in my life and just dance and be me. It was truly the only thing that was holding me together as I felt like I was shattered glass so many broken pieces that could never be put back together. I had to force myself out of bed, force myself to go to class and teach. It was the only thing that made me feel better once I was there. It gave me strength and life and courage. See it is not just about the dance but it is about life! It taught me so much more how to care for myself and love me for who I am and where I am at!
Today, I am living my dreams and living for dad and I. That is my priority as I help my dad through his transition of life living with Alzheimers. This dance has blessed my life in so many ways and taken me on paths I never would have dreamed of and to this day my path is still expanding and forever changing! I continue my training and taking on new things and new leadership! I am excited about life again and following my own path! Dance has taught me to stand up and be my own, glorious, warrior women self. I am transforming and opening up and it’s such a glorious thing! It has been an amazing ride and I have to thank dance for it all!