I want to take a moment to apologize for not posting in my blog for awhile. This last month I have been hit hard with circumstances out of my control, which brings me to this point; Belly Dancing and Healing really do go hand in hand. It started with sleepless nights taking care of my husband who became ill and eventually was admitted into the hospital. He is now out and doing well. At the same time my kids dad passed away very unexpectedly and here I was having to hold them together and helping in making the arrangements. While all this was going on I was also preparing to perform up in Columbus, Ohio: Shimmy on the Black Market. Trying to finish my choreography and getting some dance time and practice in seemed so far down the path and unrealistic, at this point. I even toyed with the idea of calling and canceling my spot to perform, but I tend to be stubborn and thought, no I have to do this for myself.
During this time I had a phone conversation with my dear friend and mentor Leyla Najma, she told me that we tend to be healers and after our conversation I thought about this very long and hard and came to the conclusion she is so right on! I tend to be driven toward those who need me the most and Belly Dancing has really helped me in order to help others. When we dance something spiritual happens inside of us and it opens up new doors that before may have seemed impossible to open. It helps us deal with emotion and fear or whatever turmoil is going on inside or around us.
The night my husband was admitted into the hospital was the same night I talked to Leyla who helped in healing me, just talking to her is what started the process of healing. After our phone conversation, I was planning on calling it a night, but instead I turned on some music and slowly started dancing. At first, I felt numb and raw, but this only lasted a few moments. I felt as if I was in a cocoon, but soon I was opening up and coming completely alive! I could feel the energy going through my body and for the first time in weeks I felt at peace and very intune with the movement and the music. The drum solo for my performance in which I was having difficulty finishing I completed and felt very good about it. That night I just danced for almost 2 hours with not a care in the world!
The night of my performance I had alot of mixed emotions and what had happend in the past previous weeks was still with me. But, being part of something wonderful and being able to share experiances with the other dancers and watching their performances helped in so many ways. We are all part of a wonderful community and when it is all said and done, we are there for each other in healing and support and that is the one reason why I love this dance so much!! Bless each and everyone one of you!!