Glute drills
3/4 shimmey
Belly locks
Belly pulses
Pelvic locks down 4 and up 4
Hip shimmey
Forward single hip circles
Backward single hip circles
Work on Dance of Eternity Choreography
Glute drills
3/4 shimmey
Belly locks
Belly pulses
Pelvic locks down 4 and up 4
Hip shimmey
Forward single hip circles
Backward single hip circles
Work on Dance of Eternity Choreography
article: Right brain vs. left
Warm up
Continue working on Dance of Eternity Choreograph
Belly Dance Performance by Najla
Date: April 16, 2011
Event: Earth Day
Where: Yoctangee Park, Chillicothe, Ohio ; located inside the Pump House
Times: 2:45 & 4:45 p.m.