All posts by najla

If you live in or around the Chillicothe, OH Area, and want to learn Middle-Eastern (belly) Dance, learn new ideas, bond with other women of many different cultures and backgrounds, and even get some exercise, then look no further! You have found your passion! Turn to Najla’s Dance to fulfill this passion.

A common misconception about dance…

Throughout my years of teaching I hear one thing when it comes to dance and my classes.. This is not the only misconception. Dance is not easy; it is not supposed to be. Dance is an art form and it does take practice and commitment. I started right where you did 26 years ago. n In fact, I was uncoordinated and not able to move my body effortlessly as my counter parts. Heck, to this day its very common for me to get tangled up in my feet just by walking!

I had to work twice as hard as the other students and I practiced more then they did. I became frustrated. I would work so hard and I often compare myself to the others in class who seemed to move effortless. . I never gave up! My hard work paid off and what started out as the ugly duckling; I am now a very graceful dancer.

So what is this one misconception of dance that I am talking about? This comes up in many conversations with most people who inquire about my classes as well as students. It is one comment: one line…..

“I am not a good dancer. I can not dance. I have 2 left feet”

Does this sound familiar? Have you ever thought about taking a dance and or dance fitness class and said these words?

People often think to take a dance class you need to have a sense of rhythm and movement. This is not true! My job as a dance teacher to teach you how to dance and how to move. I would be out of a job and you would not need dance teachers right?

It can be overwhelming and intimidating. I understand because in the beginning I was at the same spot you are now!

I teach you how to move your body. In your way because we all are different and move in different ways. I teach you confidence and empowerment through the movement of dance. It takes time, commitment and practice. Not just inside class but outside of class but anyone absolutely can learn to dance in their way and body.

A story.

One day at work my boss and I where talking about dance. She stated: I would love to come to one of your classes. “I have two left feet and have never been able to dance. ” I told her that is my job as a teacher. To teach you how to dance. I wanted her to see she was able! In a matter of 5 minutes I had her dancing with me! She followed me as I lead her. The biggest smile came upon her face. She was dancing. She thanked me and said I never thought I would ever do it but guess what she did!!!

Everyone can dance and move! The misconception of you have to know how to dance to take a dance class is wrong! You take a dance class so you can learn to dance. Will you be the next Fred Astaire? Maybe not but that is ok! It is about learning and having fun and moving your body in your way! I hope you dance and see you soon in class!

A bit about us!

Welcome to our Studio! We are so glad your here! Hip Love Studio is a very unique space. We offer quite a few classes that you can not find anywhere else and not your normal dance studio. We focus on recreational dance & fitness classes giving you a wide variety of movement from kids to adult!

Hip Love studio is about healing in physical love through movement, fitness, dance and energy healing. Allie Joseph is the owner and has been in the fitness & dance industry for over 32 years. She has found dance, movement and fitness a very valuable part in her life.

The studio focuses on empowering others through movement and dance of all ages! Sharing the passion. Is a big dream come true! I created this space for individuals to learn and move. It is a non judgmental safe space to connect and explore.

We are all born to move. We are born to dance, create, and be free. That is what we are all about! Teaching others to feel good in their own body and skin feeling good.

I would love for you to join us. Check us out and become a part of an amazing community. Here, you can be yourself!

Current offerings Ballet BootCamp Fitness, Bellydance, Yoga, Kids Dance & Reiki!

Want to know more? Check out our classes we offer or contact Allie or 740-466-7590

Looking forward to having you in class!

Belly Dance is for everyone no matter the age

Belly Dance is for everyone no matter the age. It is just one of the very few dance forms where you can say that…actually it may be the only; one more specifically if we are talking about advancing to professional level but lets not focus there.

Over my years of being a belly dancer myself of just now 23 years; I have heard oh I am too old or she is too young, or belly dance for kids? I believe I have written about this a time or too but it has been on my mind a lot more recently. I have had discussed this countless of times with current students, soon to be students about the topic. In general, most of the women believe that they are too old for belly dance….what qualifies for too old??? You have got me!!! But, generally speaking I am going to guess that society suggests on average if you are over 30; your too old…this is far from true!

I myself have had the privilege to teach all women from the age of 3-98! I know it is truly crazy that it can be true but WoW all of these women have amazed me! The average age of women stepping into there first class is age anywhere from 40-50, then we do have those exceptions of course, taking their first belly dance class beyond 75 and up!

Have you thought about trying out classes and then thought, but I am too old? Have you suggested it to someone a friend and you got that are you kidding me look? No matter what I am here to tell you that belly dance is for everyone!

Benefits of Belly Dance for 40 & up (benefits everyone!)

it is a low impact workout so it is easier on your joints & bones.

the movements tend to be natural flow (side to side, up and or down, forward & back, in & out).

It helps with coordination and balance.

Helps with posture and to keep the body strong.

Helps keep the body flexible & agile.

It is fun, promotes confidence & well being

Provides time for community with others while learning.

Helps keep the brain young by learning & remembering moves & steps.

These are just some of the amazing benefits! Plus and this is a BIG ONE!!! It just makes you feel Good! We all love to dance and wiggle around! “When you Wiggle. It makes you Giggle!” (My Mantra).

Benefits for All Keep Reading:

We all want to feel good in our bodies and feel good about ourselves! Belly dance increases confidence, self esteem and you will feel better on the whole just not with you, your body, but outlook on life. This dance really teaches us so much more then dance. You get to share with others, create friendships and lasting memories. I provide a space for all women where you can come and just be you. That has always been my #1 vision. I will teach you how to move your body, with love & grace. To move freely, to connect to your most powerful self that has been laying dormant inside you. To help you to feel better, to be more confident in yourself, to help you grow & bloom. To have fun, community, movement & connection. I currently have classes for ages 4 all the way to adult.

Go here to check out my current schedule:

See a class you like? Want more info or to sign up click here now:

If this just sounds absolutely amazing to you I would love to be able to connect with you for a chat:

My dream

My dream. To have a space that is safe, open and inviting. To allow those to come to the space as they are. To be themselves. To be authentic and genuine.

I have been thinking a lot about being able to show up in the world as yourself without a mask or pretending you are something your not. My studio Hip Love Studio a dream coming true. Last night, before class a student arrived and excitedly says “I am in my pajamas tonight”

I just loved this that first she was super comfortable enough to come as she was! I want you to be yourself, to shine your light, to show up in the most genuine way. Dance and movement does teach you this. It also teaches us to be confident in ourselves, in our own bodies and skin.

My question I asked my students: besides the studio is there anywhere else you can go that you feel comfortable enough to be YOU? Everyone had to think long and hard and the only comment was Walmart. We should be able to go anywhere and to be ourselves to feel safe, supported, welcomed. These are all basic human needs and when we do not feel safe or supported it can cause a ton of stress and who needs more of that?

Last night at the studio we had 2 full amazing classes of amazing women. I am in awe of these women incidentally all ages from 10 on up! They showed up as themselves and for themselves! That is such an amazing gift we can actually give ourselves and others! They are learning more about who they are and connecting within their own bodies because that is where it starts. Are you ready to join us? We would love it!

Most Common Questions Asked

Through my years of teaching I often there get asked questions that are asked by potential students. Today I will address Just a few questions for you.

“Do I need to know how to dance” or I will often get statements: “I can’t dance.”

First off you do not need to know how to dance! If you knew how to dance then I would not have a job as a teacher. I will teach you, lead you and guide you! When I started 22 years ago, I did not know how to dance. I learned by going to class with various teachers who I studied under. We all start at the same place. The statement: “But I can’t dance” is a common one. Anyone can learn how with practice and patience and being involved in class. Anyone can learn! We learn how to move our body through breaking down movement, drilling and having fun!

“Do I need to show my belly”

This is a very common question. Most people think that when they learn how to bellydance they have to show their belly. This is absolutely untrue. Belly Dance does focus on the core; hence the belly but also involves the hips. It has been known as dance of the stomach because of the undulations that are often seen. Did you know that in Egypt that dancers are not allowed to show their belly?

Often they wear a belly cover made of mesh. It can be skin color or even match their costume! You will even see them in a dress where the belly is completed covered. Honestly, it is totally up to you! If you want to flaunt your belly go ahead! If not no that it is ok too! There have been many times I myself have danced with my belly covered! Checkout the photo below to see how lovely it can be.

“Am I too old/young?”

I often hear the statement but I am too old more often then not. I am asked how young I teach. I have taught many ages from as young as 3 years of age to 85! This dance is truly for anyone know matter what the age. Within different age groups it can be presented slightly different based on the general ability of class.

Did you know that bellydance is one of the few dance forms you can start at a later age? This is indeed quite rare! It is more common then you think! The average age is 40 years of age. There is really something for everyone in this dance no matter how old you are! Look below and you will find the many different ages that have walked through my studio doors. Look at all the beauties! I have so many pictures!

“What do you wear to class?”

Most of my students come in wearing leggings, yoga pants and a top they are comfortable in. A hip scarf is beneficial because it accents the hips. It also enables you to feel the movement of the hips. Need one? I have some for sale at the studio! We dance barefoot so we can be really connected to the ground. If you would rather you can also purchase a type of dance shoe. something flat and that will not restrict your movement of your feet. You can get something that covers the full foot or only the toes or half of the foot. There are lots of options from something basic or something with a bit of sparkle!

Would you like to know something I did not hit on? I would love to know!

Are you ready to join me? Do you want to move your body? Do you want to feel good? Do you want to have fun in a warm, loving, safe, and supportive environment? I have a brand new session for beginners starting soon.

Are you ready to join us? Get Started Here: