Global Caravan Dance®

Welcome to the wonderful world of  Global Caravan Dance®  with Swirling skirts and shaking hips dancing to the beat of the drum Created by Paulette Rees Denis!  I am really excited to bring this to you right here in Chillicothe Ohio!  The only Master Teacher in the Mid-West!

Miss Allie is a certified Global Caravan Teacher and a Master Teacher.   She is certified in Collective Soul level one through 4 and Certified Teacher level 1-4.
Miss Allie has  25 plus years in fitness and dance combined.
Offering classes from Kids to Adults. Miss Allie specializes in bellydance as well as Yoga, Fitness Classes, Creative movement for kids, Ballroom and Ballet Fitness!

Ballet Fitness Fusion

starts August 5th! (NEW)

Mondays 5:30 pm

Sign up here:

Yoga Classes

Tuesday’s 9:30 am & Thursdays 9:00 am

Monthly Yoga Pass $50 no limit

click here:

http://Any Yoga Beginner/4 Week Session/drop In

Global Caravan Tribal Belly Dance Foundations Twisty Hips to activate the core!
Wednesdays 6:30 pm. Starts August 7th

Register here:

http://GC Bellydance foundations

Groove your Way to Fitness with Tribal Grooves Wednesdays 7:30 pm.
Sign up here:

Global Caravan Intermediate: Thursdays 6:30pm

Performance Class: Thursday’s 7:30 pm.

GC Juniors Global Dances for Girls ages 8-12 $55.00 for 6 week session Saturday’s 9:00 am starts August 10th

Click the link to register: http://GC juniors Dance ages 8-12

Wiggles & Giggles Unicorn Dance Saturdays 10:30 am

$55 for 6 weeks Starts August 17th
Click the link to register http://Creative Movement Unicorn Theme


Email us at:

Join my Tribe! Sign up for our newsletter! Get a FREE YOGA Workout just by signing up!

Click here now and get a free Yoga workout

What a delight Allie Joseph is, both as a dancer and as a dance teacher! She has studied and danced with me for several years, being intensely focused and passionate about her dance and how she bring the dance to her students, with much integrity, skill, and love. She is a beautiful dancer with a refined technique. Allie is a great team leader, using her leadership skills, and is a certified Gypsy Caravan Master Teacher and Master Leader, within the global Gypsy Caravan Tribal Bellydance tribes, and her own growing network of dancers.” Paulette Rees-Denis

copyright 2024 website created by Allie Joseph