“Where do you come up with this stuff”

587In class tonight as we were working on choreography to Dance of Eternity and as I was teaching chest circles with snake arms one of my students asked me “where do you come up with this stuff?”  It made me laugh because sometimes I do sit and just think about what kind of moves that I can teach and how I can do a move in a different way my students may not be accustomed to.  As a teacher it is important to challenge my students because I want each one of them to progress as well as be very well rounded dancers.  Sometimes I come up with stuff at the strangest times while at work or even I have been known to have ideas when I am cooking or even driving which can sometimes be dangerous! My family and I went to a Christian Rock concert this past summer and my daughter turns to me and says “Mom your belly dancing!”  The music moved me and I just started moving and I was trying out different moves. Sometimes ideas will also stem from other dancers and I will change it completly around or seeing a dancer do something different will stir my own creativity inside.  We never know when the urge and creativity hits us and I have realized that when it does hit I just have to run with it!

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